Agata Łapińska

I am a product designer from Gdańsk. I feel comfortable leading the design process from beginning to end. I focus on optimizing it, aiming to provide intuitive and accessible solutions that increase user engagement.

I'm interested in psychology and how people interact with technology, so it's natural for me to base my process on research, using appropriately selected methodologies combined with innovative design methods. This approach, along with usability testing, product analytics, and teamwork, allows me to continuously tailor products to meet actual needs.

My main goal is to achieve a balance between business objectives and user needs.

Few facts about me:
📚 I'm a book freak, which you can see on my Notion site:

see my reading list ->

🧠 MBTI: ENTP and I like jokes

We can make use of this experience :)

contact me ->
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I worked with

LPP logoSinsay logoBydgoszcz city logoInstalprojekt logo